Your profile may not have been approved due to missing information or incomplete content. As you know, the resume is the first impression to Employers. The more effort you put in preparing your resume, the more opportunities you get to receive interview invitations. To complete your resume, be approved quickly and make impression to Employers, you should check and update some important information as below:


  • Present your resume in English or in Vietnamese with diacritics (Unicode).
  • Use consistent one language in your profile (if your profile is in Vietnamese, please type with full diacritics).
  • Make sure your profile contains no spelling (upper-case for initial letter of personal name, or the beginning character of a sentence; abbreviation…), or grammar mistakes.
  • It is better to make a bulleted list in your profile. Avoid using long paragraphs and personal pronouns like “I”, “my” or “me” like a cover letter.
  • Avoid writing all information of your profile in uppercase, except for initial letter of a personal name, or the beginning character of a sentence…
  • Your profile format has error; the space among paragraphs is too long.
  • Your profile format has error; there is no separation among characters.

Contact Information:

  • Fully provide your correct contact information (Full name, Phone number, Address…).
  • Using an inappropriate email address will create the bad impression to your potential employer, so it is better to use the email address including your name.


  • You should choose your current job title or desired job title that you would like to apply in order to be chosen in the qualified resume list.
  • Describe briefly your career objective, desired career and why you’re a good fit for the position.

Employment History:

  • Experience: List all your work experience from the newest to oldest by: Job Title – Company Name – Duration – Main Responsibilities, especially highlight your achievements if available.
  • Experience: The information you provided is not sufficient. You should present your main responsibilities more clearly, especially your most current experiences and achievements.


  • Provide your school’s name and major.


  • Reference: You can recommend your line supervisor at your old/current company or your lecturer at University/ College (for fresh graduated). Skip this section if unavailable.


  • In the profile, we only accept professional portrait; please avoid irrelevant photos.
  • Please check out how to create a complete profile here: 7 Tips to write a professional & attractive resume
  • Being a fresh graduate, you may add information of any researching projects, social activities you participated, your internship, part-time job during your study to increase the appeal of your background to the employers.

If this FAQ is not helpful, or if you have any other feedback, please contact our Customer Support Department via email: or click the Zalo icon in the bottom right corner of the website to connect with a support agent.