Job Alert is a useful tool to help you filter and seize suitable job opportunities in a very fast way. You should register Job Alert to get updated with latest job postings on VietnamWorks.


Please follow this instruction to register for Job Alert:

Step 1: (You have three options to do step 1)

  • Option 1: Click the icon at the top right corner on VietnamWorks website, and choose Job Alert.

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On Job Alert page, please click Create New Job Alert

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  • Option 2: Choose the mailbox icon on the right corner on search result page or detail job page and click Send me jobs

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  • Option 3: Click the orange Create Job Alert box on the left side of the screen when you’re in the account management section.

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Step 2: When the pop up shows up, please fill the information in this section. Click Save to finish.

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  • Click the icon at the top right corner on VietnamWorks website, and choose Job Alert (similar to step 1 in the register for Job alert section).
  • On Job Alert page, click on the pen symbol at the right of the job alert that you want to edit.
  • Update your search criteria, and click Save.

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If this FAQ is not helpful, or if you have any other feedback, please contact our Customer Support Department via email: or click the Zalo icon in the bottom right corner of the website to connect with a support agent.