What is it for?

Realizing that customers have the need to control the access to a specific job and all related business functionalities, we build the function to let admin users and all users who have permission to control job access to block unwanted users/team members from seeing and performing related job and application management functions.

What does it mean?

When a user/ team member (from now on, we will call “member” for short in this document) is not granted access to a job, that team member cannot perform following job related functions: 

  • Cannot view revoked job in job list (in job list page, report and AMS)
  • Cannot edit or add extra service to a revoked job
  • Cannot view or evaluate candidate of a revoked job (in AMS, in application detail)
  • Report number does not include information of a revoked job
  • Cannot move candidate of a revoked job to onboarding 

However, by default, a new team member is automatically assigned all jobs. The admin users or any user who has permission to assign a job (from now, we call “admin” for short in this document) can revoke job access to this member anytime later on following flows.

Please note that if the member has permission to access the job but does not in the role which has permission to perform any related functions to the job, that member cannot perform that function.

How to use it?

On User Management

On the User List, the number of job posts assigned to each user/team member is displayed next to the team member’s name.


On User detail screen, the list of assigned job to that member is displayed under user’s detail section. On this page, the admin users or any user who has permission to assign a job can revoke it to assign more jobs to this member.

To revoke a job, click on the “Revoke” button, a pop up will appear to confirm. Admin can revoke multiple job of a user by clicking on checkbox, then click on the Multiple revoke button.


Multiple revoke:


To assign a job to a member, click on the “Assign job” button, the pop up with a list of unassigned jobs will appear to choose the job to assign. Admin can also assign multiple jobs by clicking on the checkbox.


Admin is automatically assigned all jobs, so when admin users view their user’s details, the assigned job section is hidden. 

A new member of the team is automatically assigned all jobs.

Please note that when the admin changes the admin role to another member, the member who inherited the admin role will automatically be assigned all jobs, and the previous admin (now normal member) gets jobs assigned to that member (now the admin). So, please be aware that the member you want to give admin role to will have full permission to access all job posts.

On job list

A Job Access button is added on each job on the job list site if the user is admin or any user who has job access control permission.


Click on the Job Access button to open pop up of all members with revoke or assign button action depending on that user is assigned or not assigned that job to. Admin can perform multiple revoke or assign action by clicking on the check box.


When post job

When posting a job, at the step 2: Set up Process & Team, the admin clicks on the “Hiring team” button to assign or revoke access of members to the job being edited. By default, all members are assigned to a job. Admin can revoke access of each member by clicking on the “Revoke” button, or of multiple members by clicking on the checkbox.

Please note that the posting job users cannot revoke themselves when posting or editing a job. However, they can still remove themselves in the job list page or in user management.


Give permission to team member (sub-account) to assign job to other users

In the permission list of a role, choose “Manage Access Control By Job” under “Setting Functions” to give permission to this role.


Please note that a member who has this permission can only assign to other members the jobs which they have been assigned.

