Step 1: After logging in, click on “Post Job” on the header menu
Step 2: Input the information of the job
- Job information:
- Level: Choose 1 out of 5 levels
- Intern/Student
- Fresh Graduate/Entry Level
- Experienced (non-manager)
- Manager
- Director and above
- Job Category:
- Job Function: Select 01 Job Function which is the most suitable to your job post.
- Industry: Your company industry is auto-filled here but you can still select 01 industry which is the most suitable to your job post. Changing industry here does not affect your company’s industry or other job posts industry.
- Working Location: select up to 3 locations
- Salary: Turn on if you want to show it, turn off if you want to hide it, then candidates will see “Salary: Negotiable”
- Number of headcount: number of headcount you want to hire for this job post. Turn off if you don’t want to show it to job seekers.
- Contact person: auto filled by the last job post contact. Change to suitable contact for the job you are posting
- Email for applications: you may enter multiple emails, separated by commas “,”
- Privacy policy: choose a suitable privacy policy to your job post
– To post anonymously, click the symbol next to it.
* Please note that if you select to post anonymously, your job posting will be presented as below. For anonymous job posts, the privacy policy cannot be selected
Click “continue” to advance to the next section: Candidate expectation.
- Candidate expectation:
- Skill Tags: 1 minimum keyword describes specific requirements for this position.
- Minimum year of experience: choose minimum year of experience. Default value is 0.
- Minimum education level: choose the minimum required education level. If not required, choose “Any”
- Nationality: Vietnamese/Foreigner or Any. Default option is Any. Turn on if you want to show it, turn off if you want to hide it to job seekers.
- Gender: Male/Female or Any. Default option is Any. Turn on if you want to show it, turn off if you want to hide it to job seekers.
- Marital status: Single/Married or Any. Default option is Any. Turn on if you want to show it, turn off if you want to hide it to job seekers.
- Age preference: choose from 0 to 100. Default option is 15-60. Turn on if you want to show it, turn off if you want to hide it to job seekers.
- Do You Require Cover Letter?: choose 1 out of 3 options below
- Yes, it is always required (Required)
- No, it is optional (Show but not required)
- No, it is never required (Do not show)
Click “continue” to advance to the next section: Company information.
3. Your Company: Information will be remembered for the next time you post a job
- Company name: default is company name from your company information. You can input new company name
- Company profile: default is company profile from your company information. You can input new company profile
- Benefit: choose minimum 1 benefit, maximum 3 benefits
You can update above information to your default company profile by clicking on the checkbox
- Company logo : click on “Upload Logo ”, choose a logo to upload. Then click on “Display logo” to show it when the job’s online.
- Video : copy & paste your Youtube URL Link
- Picture:
- Click on “Upload Photo” to upload 3 photos of the company / department
- Click on [ X ] to replace the selected image
- .jpg .jped .png .gif format; size < 1MB Benefit from the company (All of your job posts will use the same uploaded photos)
Click on “Save and Continue”