Manage Candidate by Folders
Go to Employer Dashboard >> Click button: Candidate on header >> Select Manage by Folders and Tags
Recently Viewed (Default folder)
- Manage all recently viewed CVs within a 30-day period. After this duration, the CVs will no longer be displayed in this folder.
- To view specific details for a resume, click on the hyperlink associated with the candidate’s name.
- This list has been arranged by the latest viewed date.
- You can duplicate any resumes into the bookmark folder, but each resume can only exist in one bookmark folder.
- You can utilize the search bar to search by either candidate name or job title.
- You have the option to duplicate resumes into the bookmark folder by selecting multiple choices.
Credit Used (Default folder)
- Manage all bought CVs by using credit.
- To view specific details for a resume, click on the hyperlink associated with the candidate’s name.
- Resumes will be automatically removed from this folder if the Resume Search package expires for more than 90 days.
- This list has been arranged by the latest saved date.
- You can duplicate any resumes into the bookmark folder, but each resume can only exist in one bookmark folder.
- You can utilize the search bar to search by either candidate name or job title.
- You have the option to duplicate resumes into the bookmark folder by selecting multiple choices.
Bookmarked Folder
- Create new folder: Click New folder >> Enter a folder name >> Save
– You can create a maximum of 50 folders.
– The folder name must not exceed 30 characters.
- Add resumes into the bookmark folder by moving from other bookmark folders and duplicating from default folder (Recently Viewed and Credit Used)
- Remove resumes from this bookmark folder
- You can choose to either duplicate resumes into the bookmark folder or remove them from bookmark folders by selecting multiple options.
Manage Candidate by Tags
Facilitate the organization and categorization of candidates by implementing a tagging system. This allows for efficient management and easy retrieval of candidate information based on specific criteria or attributes associated with those tags.
Furthermore, it serves as a centralized hub for job seekers to apply their resumes from all posted jobs, providing employers with easy access to candidate profiles and facilitating the hiring process.
How to add a tag with the application:
There are 2 ways to add a tag with the application
1. By Application detail:
Click Candidate on header > Manage by job post (AMS) > View application detail by click name of candidate > Input the tag name > Enter
2. By Tag Management on Folder Management
Click Candidate on header > Manage by folders and tags > Click Tag from Application tab > Click icon “Tag management” from Action column > Input the tag name > Enter
Manage the application portal by tags:
- Manage all applications from all jobs by tags.
- To view specific details for an application, click on the hyperlink associated with the candidate’s name.
- This list has been arranged by the latest applied date.
- You can utilize the search bar to search by either candidate name or job title
- You have the capability to handle tags for applications, including adding or removing them. Each application can have a maximum of 10 tags.
- In the Action column, you can either add the application to the Blacklist or move it to the Deleted Folder.
- You have the option to categorize applications by tags and other criteria such as applied jobs or sources.